Everything is Better with the Sun/Son

Yesterday I looked at the weather forecast.  We had rain the night before and were headed into the longest cold stretch yet, if we can call highs in the 40’s and lows overnight in the 20’s a cold stretch up here.  We have been working to winterize our little compound – underpinning the camper, insulating and finishing off the office building, getting electricity into our storage barn in preparation for insulation to keep our water running without freezing.  We even bought a heated water hose for our camper.

Last night was not too chilly.  We set the heat in the camper on 64 and were very comfortable overnight.  This morning, I looked at the temperature outside – about 40 degrees with gusty winds.  It was going to be a little brisk to be sure.  Now, I could have looked at just the weather readout and said to myself, “Just stay in these cozy pajamas in the camper today.  It’s too cool to get out and do anything.”

But when I stepped out the front door of our camper, which faces somewhat east, I was met with the most incredible sunshine.  With the sun shining on me, the temperature didn’t seem so cold, and all of the trees surrounding the ridge were keeping the worst of the winds aloft.  I couldn’t help but think how beautiful it was outside.  It was still in the low 40-degree range and the wind was still blowing, but I was protected by the trees and warmed by the sun. 

Isn’t our life somewhat like that?  We often have the chilly winds of life swirling all around us – broken relationships, financial hardships, uncertain futures, but in the midst of it all, there is the sun (Son).  If we allow him to shine brightly in our lives, the buffer us from the worst of the winds, life can be very beautiful.  It’s not that all of the stuff goes away.  We still have to endure the chilly days and seasons, but with the power of the Son, even our coldest days can be not just bearable but downright beautiful.

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